13 Unexpected Reasons Why Your Partner Doesn't Want to get Intimate

If your partner doesn't want to have sex very often, there might be more going on than you think. Here are some things that might make you feel bad. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto Trouble with money Since money problems are a leading cause of breakups (here are some other signs you might be headed for a divorce), it shouldn't be a surprise that even the most happy couples can fight over money. Crystal Hollenbeck, EdD, a licensed mental health counselor in Orlando, Florida, says that if you don't deal with financial stress in your relationship, it can lead to negative feelings toward your partner, fear and anxiety, broken trust, signs of depression, and a lack of sexual desire. "Mixing finances, making a budget, and agreeing on financial goals as a couple will make the relationship feel more close, trusting, and safe." There is simply too much to do. It's hard to sit on the couch with your partner and watch a TV show or go to a nice restaurant for dinner without che...