How to handle micromanagement

How to handle micromanagement

There are two types of micromanagers: those who are aware that they micromanage and those who are unaware that they are. This post is intended to assist leaders in recognizing the signs of micromanagement and providing strategies for more effective leadership.

How to Determine Whether You're a Micromanager

It's unlikely that your employees will accuse you of micromanaging. They'll either leave your department or complain. They may even inform your boss, but you will remain in the dark. You'll believe you're simply "checking in," but they'll believe you don't trust them. When you think you're assisting by stepping in, they'll see it as an intrusion. You won't know for sure if you're a "micromanager" unless your employees complete an anonymous survey or you conduct an honest assessment of your leadership behaviors, such as:

  • An excessive desire to "check in"
  • constantly changing course
  • Controlling a process that must be controlled by someone else
  • Listening versus explaining
  • Every decision must be approved.
  • completing tasks delegated to others

I have a theory: total hands-off leadership and micromanagement are both rooted in a fear of conflict and a strong desire to avoid difficult conversations at all levels of the organization. In the leader's mind, micromanaging others is a better way to ensure success than taking responsibility for an unfavorable outcome or starting a difficult conversation about performance. Here are some steps leaders can take to get their employees on the same page and overcome the behavior of micromanaging, as well as some tips for employees who experience micromanagement.

1. Establish written agreements.

Create a written strategy. We co-create an agreement when I work with a client, whether it's for a speaking engagement or a consulting project. The agreement is a written plan outlining responsibilities, deadlines, resources required, execution dates, and so on. It focuses attention and eliminates guesswork, rework, additional approvals, and other time delays.

The agreement details the decisions made in advance and is accessible to all team members. Here's a checklist to help you write your agreement:

  • The project's title
  • Timeline
  • Resources are required.
  • Check-in times
  • Budget
  • Participants on the team
  • The decision-making procedure
  • Additional information that is required 

If you find yourself being labeled as a micromanager, see if creating a written agreement to which you can refer back helps. If you believe you are being micromanaged, ask your leader if you can present a draft agreement for planning and keeping everyone on the same page. Written agreements eliminate the back and forth, scope creep, and disappointments that result from a lack of clarity or trust.

2. Establish check-in dates.

Mark your calendar with the appropriate number of check-ins before the project begins. Set suggested benchmarks for specific dates. Putting your check-in dates on the calendar ahead of time eliminates the "are we there yet" conversations that make your employee feel untrustworthy. Furthermore, set check-in dates serve as a reminder to use this time to communicate about unexpected obstacles and needed changes. If you're the employee, suggest regular check-ins with your boss and make the case that you want to build trust and avoid surprises. Instead of wondering what you've been up to, your leader should feel secure.

3. Establish accountability systems.

It is the leader's responsibility to achieve results. This means that you must sometimes initiate difficult conversations about performance or behavior. Micromanagement should not be confused with accountability. Don't let the fear of being labeled a micromanager prevent you from having difficult discussions about deadlines, performance, budget, or behavior. Be aware that some employees use the term "micromanaging" to avoid accountability; however, there is a significant difference between having a light hands-on leadership style and micromanaging. From the beginning of the project, inform your employee that you will provide feedback during regular check-ins as well as times when you notice discrepancies. To ensure progress, record coaching conversations and set follow-up dates.

4. No surprises

Stop waiting until it's "annual performance review time." Yes, you risk being labeled a micromanager, but you owe it to your employees to stop catching them off guard by deferring performance reviews. "I observed (fill in the blank.) Walk me through what's happening." is an easy way to check in when you detect trouble. "My concern is..." Then, once you know what's going on, you'll know whether or not you should be concerned. If you're the employee, don't surprise your boss for fear of appearing inept. If you are over budget or under-resourced, let your leader know ahead of time so that you can make the necessary adjustments. Leaders who believe they will always be informed are less likely to micromanage.

Open communication is essential at all levels of the organization, including the top. Examine your behavior as a leader to see if you're micromanaging. If you are an employee, demonstrate your trustworthiness and solicit feedback so that your boss can offer support rather than micromanage.


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